In early 1975, Greenville County Sheriff Cash Williams declared that his community didn’t have an organized crime problem. He said the criminals of Greenville County were “a bunch of amateurs.”
Murder, etc. listeners didn’t miss the irony. When the most dedicated started talking about getting together to talk about what they had heard so far, listener Tim Joner declared they should be called the Bunch of Amateurs.
Based on that, we formed Amateurs ETC, to make sure those of you who care the most about this story have a place to discuss the show that isn’t available to the general public. It’s where you can trade theories and information. It’s where we will first announce news about the show and where we will do Q&As.
You are here because you care about this story.
You are here because you want to know the truth.
You are here because you believe in this story enough that you want to be as deep into the investigation as you can.
The Murder, etc. podcast remains free to subscribe. That will not change. We will not put this story behind a paywall, because everyone needs to hear it.
However, if you would like to go deeper, learn more, and help the investigation in a whole new way, now you can.
Membership in Amateurs ETC will give you access to Murder, etc. in a way only investigation insiders have had up to this point.
- Exclusive access to a closed Facebook discussion group
- Exclusive access to bonus episodes that won’t be available to other listeners for at least a month
- Exclusive access to photos and documents
- Special membership thanks on the Murder, etc. website and during episodes
- Preferred communication channels to the Murder, etc. team
If you’d like to know more about the motivation for Amateurs ETC, Murder, etc. producer Brad Willis explains it here.
Before you sign up, please read all of the fine print at the bottom of this page.
To get involved now and support Murder, etc. in safe and secure way, visit the Murder, etc. page on Patreon.
Why does Murder, etc. need money from its listeners?
Murder, etc. producer Brad Willis has been investigating the Looper murders and Charles Wakefield, Jr.’s conviction for two decades. He has personally funded the investigation and production of the Murder, etc. podcast while working a full-time job. Murder, etc. is a costly endeavor, and for it to continue, it needs your support.
If you’re here, you want to be part of making sure the Murder, etc. story doesn’t spend another year as a secret. You believe in making sure everyone knows the truth about what happened to Lt. Frank Looper and his father. You believe in making sure everyone knows the truth about Charles Wakefield, Jr.
If you’re here, you believe you can help.
You believe you can help with what you already know, what you can find out, or what you can do with what Murder, etc. has already uncovered.
If you’re here, you know that the only way we’ll able to finish this investigation is if we have the support to finish it.
If you’re here, there’s a good chance you are among the most dedicated Murder, etc. listeners, the ones who want to know absolutely everything the investigation has turned up so far. You want to know everything Murder, etc. is going to do. You want to know it first. You want it as soon as possible. You want to talk to the people who have been interviewed on the show. You want access to documents the show hasn’t yet revealed.
In short…you want to lay your hands on everything you can…so you can help.
If any of that sounds familiar, consider this your welcome to Amateurs ETC, the exclusive group of the most dedicated Murder, etc. listeners, the ones who are already helping the investigation dig deeper than it already has.
Thank you for your dedication to this story. You can join Amateurs ETC here right now: Murder, etc. page on Patreon.
1. Your first monthly donation will be deducted on the day you sign up
When you decide to sign up, Patreon will take your first monthly contribution on that day. After that, you will be charged on the first day of every month. We recommend signing up early in the month rather than late so you get the most of your first contribution. Please take note of your calendar. We don’t want any hard feelings if you decide to sign up on the 28th day of the month.
2. We will grant you access as soon as possible
Access to the closed Facebook page does not happen automatically, so it may take several hours before we get your verified access ready. We will work as fast as we can, but please don’t expect instant access.
3. Premium items will be shipped as quickly as possible
We are a small operation, so any items coming by mail will be shipped to you just as soon as we can put them in the mail. If you are one of the first members of Amateurs ETC, your premium items should arrive by the end of June. After that, we hope to get everything to you within two weeks of your first contribution.
4. The Senior Investigator and VIP Investigator Roll Call is optional
The Murder, etc. web page will have a Roll Call page that lists and thanks all members of the Senior Investigator and VIP Investigator groups. You can opt out of this if you’d prefer your name not be on the Roll Call.
5. The VIP Investigator episode thank-you is optional
If you want to be a VIP Investigator but don’t want to be publicly thanked in an episode, you can opt out of the public thanks.
6. Preferred communication is reserved for VIP Investigators
VIP Investigators who wish to talk about the case in private with Murder, etc. host Brad Willis will receive priority online chat privileges and one 30-minute phone call per month. Members who elect to use their phone call will agree to have the conversation recorded for possible use in a podcast episode or bonus episode.